Western Verify

Protect Your Customers and Your Business

When you send employees into someone’s home—whether it’s a plumber, HVAC tech, house cleaner, or cable installer—you’re not just offering a service; you’re asking homeowners to trust your team in one of their most personal and private spaces. That trust, if broken, can lead to far more than just a lost client. It can result in legal action, a tarnished reputation, and a hit to your bottom line.


Unfortunately, too many companies don’t take the necessary precautions until it’s too late.


The Risks You Might Not See Coming

Imagine this: you hire a new technician who seems great on paper. He heads to a client’s house to fix an electrical issue. Everything seems fine—until the client calls a few days later to say expensive jewelry has gone missing. Or what if one of your workers, who’s had previous issues with aggression, gets into a heated argument with a customer? That escalates into a lawsuit faster than you can imagine.


When employees enter homes, the risks aren’t just about the job at hand. Homeowners are vulnerable, and any incident—no matter how small—could spell disaster for your business. Just one mistake can lead to lawsuits, insurance headaches, and serious damage to your reputation.


Industry Experts Weigh In

Jeff Schoenfeld, a security consultant who works with service-based industries, puts it bluntly: “Too many businesses are gambling by not thoroughly vetting employees before they send them into people’s homes. One incident can wreck a company financially and publicly, especially in today’s world where news travels fast.”


Schoenfeld adds, “It’s not just about checking if someone has a criminal record. You need to look at behavior patterns, work history, and even driving records if they’re using company vehicles. A full background check isn’t optional—it’s essential.”


Real-Life Examples of Screening Gone Wrong

Take this true story of a major cable provider. In 2020, one of their technicians committed a crime inside a customer’s home. They later discovered he had a criminal record that should have been flagged in a background check, but the company hadn’t been thorough. The result? A multimillion-dollar lawsuit, not to mention the damage to their reputation that sent customers running.


The worst part? It all could have been prevented if the company had taken screening seriously from the start.


Why Background Checks Matter More Than Ever

Properly screening employees who work in customers’ homes isn’t just a checkbox—it’s a critical safeguard for your business. Here’s why:


Reducing Legal Risk: Employees with clean backgrounds are less likely to engage in harmful or illegal behavior, saving you from costly lawsuits.

Building Trust with Customers: People are more comfortable letting a screened employee into their home, which boosts your customer retention.

Protecting Your Brand: Even one bad incident can stick with your company forever. Properly vetted employees drastically reduce that risk.

Chris Johnson, HR manager for a large HVAC company, shares his experience: “We had some close calls before we started using background checks. Now every new hire goes through a full vetting process, and we haven’t had any incidents since. We’ve even had customers thank us for being extra cautious.”


How Western Verify Can Help

At Western Verify, we understand how crucial it is to send the right people into your customers’ homes. Our background checks dig deep—we look at criminal records, driving history, employment verifications, and more, so you can be confident that your employees are safe and trustworthy.


We’ve helped companies of all sizes implement smarter, more effective screening processes. Lisa M., who owns a plumbing company, says: “Before using Western Verify, I was always worried something might go wrong. Now, I can rest easy knowing my employees have been fully vetted.”


Western Verify works with a wide range of industries—whether you’re sending an electrician, a house cleaner, or a cable installer to someone’s home, we’ve got the tools to ensure they’re the right fit.


Don’t Wait for Something to Go Wrong

It’s a mistake to wait until something goes wrong to start thinking about background checks. The cost of a bad hire is much higher than the investment in proactive screening.


Start protecting your business today by partnering with Western Verify. With our expert background checks, you can avoid the legal headaches, build trust with your customers, and protect your company’s reputation. Contact us today to find out how we can help you set up a screening process that works.


Don’t gamble with your business—screen your employees, protect your customers, and sleep better at night knowing you’ve taken the right steps.