Employment Screening
Health Sanction Checks
Health Sanction Checks
If you’re a healthcare company, you’ll want to make sure you check the background of your providers using our Health Sanction Checks.
FACIS Level 1M Background Check
A FACIS Level 1M background check is the recommended baseline and minimally required compliance search for candidates employed by organizations that receive any government funding for state or federal health care programs.
FACIS Level 1M meets and exceeds the minimum standards set forth by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) ComplianceProgram Guidance and screens employees for federal and state exclusions and debarments. Federal databases such as the Systems for Award Management (SAM) and the DHHS OIG List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) are included in the FACIS Level 1M background check.
FACIS Level 3M Background Check
As the industry gold standard, the FACIS Level 3 background check is the most comprehensive search and includes all federal and state-level exclusions and sanctions data. This includes data from more than 3,500 primary sources including aggregation of data from 2,500 state sources with state sanctioning boards from all 56 U.S. jurisdictions across all provider types.
Some of these state sources include:
- State Medicaid Exclusions
- State Contractor Disqualification/Debarment Lists
- HEAT Task Force
- State Attorney General
- Federal District – Attorney General
- Medicare Opt-Out Lists
- Medicaid Exclusion Lists
In addition to the all-inclusive search across state databases, FACIS Level 3 also includes inquiries from all federal data sources including:
- SAM (including SDN)
- FDA Disbarment
- U.S. DOJ
- U.S. Treasury Dept
- U.S. State Dept